How to Build a Raised Brick Pond: A Comprehensive Guide

Sep 2, 2024

Building a raised brick pond can be one of the most rewarding projects for any garden enthusiast. Not only does it add a stunning architectural feature to your outdoor space, but it also creates a tranquil environment that attracts wildlife and provides a habitat for fish and aquatic plants. This guide will delve into the details of how to build a raised brick pond, ensuring that you acquire the knowledge and skills needed to undertake this project successfully.

Why Choose a Raised Brick Pond?

There are numerous benefits to constructing a raised brick pond, including:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: A raised pond offers a unique visual element to your landscape, making it more attractive.
  • Accessibility: Elevated ponds are easier to maintain, allowing you to manage water levels and plants more conveniently.
  • Wildlife Attraction: Ponds attract various wildlife, enhancing biodiversity in your garden.
  • Customizable Size and Shape: You have full control over the design, which can fit perfectly into your garden layout.

Planning Your Raised Brick Pond

1. Choosing the Location

Selecting an appropriate location is crucial for the success of your pond. Consider the following factors:

  • Sunlight: Ensure the pond receives at least 5-6 hours of sunlight per day for optimal plant growth and fish health.
  • Proximity: Place the pond in a position that's easily accessible for maintenance and viewing pleasure.
  • Drainage: Avoid low-lying areas where water may accumulate to prevent flooding issues.

2. Designing the Pond

The design of your raised brick pond can be as creative as your imagination allows. Consider these aspects:

  • Shape: Decide on a circular, rectangular, or irregular shape that complements your garden.
  • Depth: A depth of at least 2 feet is recommended to support fish and aquatic ecosystems.
  • Size: Ensure the size fits within your available space while maintaining balance with your garden features.

Materials Needed for Construction

For building your raised brick pond, gather the following materials:

  1. Bricks: Choose sturdy bricks that can withstand the weight of the water.
  2. Mortar: This is essential for bonding the bricks together.
  3. Plastic Liner: A pond liner will help retain water and prevent leaks.
  4. Pond Pump and Filter: This will keep the water clean and circulating.
  5. Gravel and Stones: For creating a natural look and promoting plant growth.
  6. Aquatic Plants and Fish: Choose plants and fish species suited to your pond's ecosystem.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build a Raised Brick Pond

Step 1: Mark the Area

Begin by marking out the dimensions of your pond using stakes and string. This will help you visualize the size and shape of the pond and ensure it fits well within your garden layout.

Step 2: Dig the Base

Dig out the area to create the base for your pond. Ensure the depth is consistent throughout, and remove any debris or rocks that may interfere with the construction.

Step 3: Lay the First Layer of Bricks

Start laying the bricks at the edge of your marked area. Use mortar to bond the bricks for added stability. Make sure to check for level as you progress, using a spirit level.

Step 4: Build Up the Walls

Continue stacking the bricks to the desired height. Typically, two to four rows above ground level is recommended. Maintain consistency in alignment, and allow the mortar to cure properly between layers.

Step 5: Install the Pond Liner

Once the walls are complete, install the plastic pond liner inside the brick structure. Ensure there is enough liner extending over the top of the brick, which will later be covered by soil or stone for aesthetic purposes. Be cautious to smooth out any folds to prevent water pooling.

Step 6: Add the Base Material

Add a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pond. This layer helps with drainage and provides a substrate for any bottom-dwelling plants.

Step 7: Fill with Water

Slowly fill the pond with water, being careful not to displace the liner. As the water fills, check that the liner remains in place and that there are no leaks.

Step 8: Landscape Around the Pond

Once filled, you can enhance the area around the pond with decorative stones, plants, and other landscaping features. This gives the pond a more natural look and helps it blend into your garden.

Step 9: Install Pump and Filtration System

Integrate a pond pump and filtration system to keep the water clean and oxygenated. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal setup, considering the size and depth of your pond.

Step 10: Introduce Aquatic Life

After ensuring the water is treated and safe, introduce aquatic plants and fish. Choose plants that thrive in your region and fish that are suitable for a healthy pond ecosystem.

Maintenance of Your Raised Brick Pond

To ensure the longevity and beauty of your raised brick pond, regular maintenance is essential. Consider the following maintenance tips:

  • Water Quality: Regularly test the water for pH levels, ammonia, and nitrite levels.
  • Pond Cleaning: Remove debris and algae from the surface and bottom of the pond to promote a healthy environment.
  • Plant Care: Trim dead leaves and maintain the aquatic plants to ensure they remain healthy.
  • Winter Preparation: In colder climates, you may need to prepare your pond for winter by reducing fish feed and ensuring some water circulation to prevent ice cover.

Enhancing Your Raised Brick Pond

Once your raised brick pond is established, consider enhancing it further with additional features such as:

  • Waterfalls: A waterfall can enhance the aesthetic appeal and aerate the water.
  • Lighting: Install waterproof lighting to highlight the pond at night.
  • Seating Area: Create a seating area near the pond for relaxation and enjoyment.
  • Wildlife Friendly Features: Incorporate stones or logs for wildlife to create habitats around your pond.


Building a raised brick pond is a fulfilling landscaping project that offers numerous benefits, including aesthetic enhancement and wildlife attraction. By following the detailed steps outlined in this guide on how to build a raised brick pond, you can create a stunning and serene environment in your garden.

Whether you are an experienced gardener or a beginner, this project is manageable and gratifying. With a little effort, your raised brick pond will become a beautiful focal point in your yard, providing enjoyment and tranquility for years to come.